Clawson (S. Crooks} Newsletter

Sunny Skies Notes For November 2020

Crooks Center since 1979!! 41 Years!!

                                  Email Ms. Jennifer

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Our Sunny Skies Birthdays for NOVEMBER

Amelia Y. will be 4 on November 16th.

Franklin B. will be 2 on November24th.

We would like to send a big congratulations to the B. family

 on the birth of Luke’s sister Lily who was born on September 27th!!!

We LOVE birthday parties. You are welcome

to send in birthday treats on your child's special day!





For the safety of all the children, parents please remember to CLOSE and latch THE GATE. When you enter or exit the grounds!


All Parents: Please be sure that Ms. Jennifer has your email address so she can send you our calendar/newsletter and helpful reminders about our special activities!


For your future planning please be aware that we will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th.




We will also be CLOSED on Thursday, December 24th , Friday, December 25th,


                                                 Thursday, December 31st and Friday, January 1st   in observance of Christmas and New Year’s holidays. As per our policy booklet, tuition is charged for these days.  If you would like to use vacation days for any of these holidays watch for the sign-up sheet near the door.



Remember to Label your child’s hats, mittens, boots and other cold weather items!!  We go outside twice daily unless the temperature is prohibitively cold.  Every child is required to go outside. Dress them warmly. Please make sure your child has a full change of Fall/Winter clothes in their cubby.      LABEL EVERYTHING THAT COMES INTO THE CENTER.


Gobble! Gobble! Our annual Thanksgiving feast will be on Tuesday, November 24th. No lunch is needed for this day! The cost per child is $4. We will be serving chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, corn, and fruit!


Wednesday, November 25th, is PJ Day!! and the children will be watching a special Thanksgiving movie!     Wear your Pajamas!!!



                 We wish your family a very happy Thanksgiving!! Gobble!  Gobble!!